All eyes on screens

All eyes on screens uses IPTV viewer data from the A1 TV customer panel and combines it with a video recognition algorithm.

This answers questions such as “Which advertiser advertised where and when?” and “How many households saw this ad?”. It also results in a classification into “viewer types,” which are of particular relevance to the advertising industry and extend the standard market target group definitions by socio-demographics such as age and gender. For example, households that always watch the same channel over a long period of time are referred to as “TV zombies” and selective viewers as “cherry pickers” in the TV analysis.
In this context, Marin Curkovic, CEO and co-founder of All eyes on screens, talks about the establishment of “TV cookies” that are translated into segments based on different viewing habits. This framework for data-driven
analysis forms the basis, or preliminary stage, for addressable TV targeting, far beyond current market standards. “It is particularly important to bring more transparency, speed and control to TV analyses as well as planning,” adds Curkovic.
The fact that TV remains a mass medium and therefore advertising measurement is still relevant was clear from the presentation by Helmut Prattes, Lead Media & Advertising Products at A1 Telekom Austria. “The importance of live events will continue to increase in view of the high reach figures and is one of the reasons why the prices for premium live rights in the areas of sports and entertainment are skyrocketing. High reach is in turn a guarantee for corresponding advertising revenues. Advertising budgets are being redistributed, and great expectations are being placed in programmatic TV, i.e. the automated booking and playout of TV advertising,” explains Prattes.

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