
Whalebone, a start-up based at the A1 Start Up Campus in Vienna since 2017, is intensifying its partnership with A1: Austria’s leading communications company is using the DNS-based security solution for the development of A1 Net Protect. The product is now being sold in 5 countries within the A1 ecosystem. In addition to A1, another international telecommunications company, O2 in the Czech Republic, also relies on Whalebone.

With A1 Net Protect, A1 is launching a security product for the whole of Austria that already offers security at the network level, making it more difficult for cybercriminals to gain access to the user’s data. A1 Net Protect can be used on all operating systems and end devices, without the need to purchase and install an additional app, software or hardware. A1 Net Protect has been available to all A1 customers since March 16 for EUR 1.90/month and can be registered via www.a1.net/sicher-im-netz. CEO & Whalebone Founder Richard Malovic on the further step of the cooperation: “For Whalebone, the cooperation with A1 is a success story and an important reference that meets with great response – both for new projects in Europe and overseas.”

Who is Whalebone?

Whalebone is a cyber security provider that prevents communication with as well as downloads of malware. Accordingly, the start up protects networks and users against botnets, ransomware, spyware or phishing. Whalebone intervenes regardless of the current life phase of the malicious software: before the download, before the dangerous domain is accessed, but also when the malware is already on the device and tries to communicate with its Command & Control Center.

Whalebone mainly focuses on DNS name resolution at the network level. Thus, Whalebone protection covers all devices on the network, including those that are very complicated or impossible to secure because there is no suitable app or even interface for it. Whalebone is therefore also ideally suited to secure smart home gadgets, such as smart thermostats or cameras. The service is updated in real time, so users are always protected against the latest threats.

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